Neuromuscular electro-stimulation applied in dysphagia


  • Katherine Silvia Herrera Vasquez Centro de investigación de fonoaudiología UNITEPC. “CIFU”. Cochabamba – Bolivia.
  • Arantxa Valeria Guzmán Rojas Médico Cirujano. Centro de investigación de Salud Pública UNITEPC “CISPU”. Cochabamba – Bolivia.
  • Sergio Andrés Villegas Villa Licenciado en Fonoaudiología. Fonoaudiólogo del Centro Altiora. Docente de la carrera Fonología UNITEPC. Cochabamba – Bolivia.



Deglutition Disorders, Rehabilitation, Electric Stimulation Therapy.


Introduction: Neuromuscular Electrostimulation is used in a complementary therapeutic way in different conditions. Among
them, the rehabilitation of neurogenic dysphagia. The objective is to develop an integrative review from the literature of the
applicability and efficacy in clinical practice about neuromuscular electrostimulation use in oropharyngeal dysphagia. Methodology: For the preparation of this article, the methodology used is a systematic review carried out in 2020, the research design corresponds to descriptive, cross-sectional, prospective. Development: The search in electronic databases yielded 352 titles, from which 47 studies fulfill our selection criteria. This method aim is to promote significant beneficial effects on functional capacity, being an alternative treatment to be used as early as possible, with the premise of preventing muscle dysfunction. Discussion and conclusions: There is a dispute in different factors that interfere in this method use, as well as the complementation with conventional techniques. In the Most cases it has been shown that neuromuscular electrostimulation accelerates the improvement of swallowing function in combination with compensatory or conventional techniques


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How to Cite

Herrera Vasquez KS, Guzmán Rojas AV, Villegas Villa SA. Neuromuscular electro-stimulation applied in dysphagia. Recisa UNITEPC [Internet]. 2020 Dec. 30 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];7(2):34-46. Available from:

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