Morbidade em idosos na comunidade Combuyo – Vinto
Anciano, adulto, enfermedad, factores de riesgo, prevención de enfermedadesAbstract
Introduction: The prevalent diseases in older adults are cardiovascular, respiratory, neurological, and skeletal muscle diseases. The objective was to determine the prevalent diseases among older adults in the community of Combuyo. Methodology: The study corresponds to a quantitative, descriptive, cross-sectional, observational, and prospective approach; the study population was 41 older adults. The inclusion criteria were people over 59 years of age with residence >6 months; data collection was through a questionnaire of 8 closed multiple selection questions; after the consent of older adults, the database was created in Excel; and the analysis was through a frequency analysis. Results: the highest prevalence age was 60 to 65 years (49%), female population (56%), and the most prevalent cardiovascular pathology is arterial hypertension (29.2%; diabetes 9.8%; rheumatoid arthritis 26.8%, and sleep disorder 4.9%). Discussion: Therefore, the findings are similar to studies carried out in different Latin American countries, evidencing a slight discrepancy; These identified pathologies become a risk factor for the development of other types of diseases; Thus, the habits and lifestyles of older adults are essential elements in the prevention of diseases or in the management of existing diseases; For this reason, we are facing challenges that must be considered in health policy and continue promoting new recommendations and responses aimed at each population, based on community studies, for concrete solutions.
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